To log into your Scratch Org from Salesforce Mobile Application first you need to get the username and password of your scratch org.
To get the username you may use below command -
1 | sfdx force:user:display |
The output of this will be like below screenshot. Just copy the username from it.
If you have already generated a password for your Scratch org then you will be able to see it in above commands output.
If not then you may use below command to generate a new password -
1 | sfdx force:user:password:generate |
The above command will generate a new password for you. Now copy this username and password and open Salesforce Mobile Application in your phone and try to login in a Sandbox environment using these credentials.
If you would like to use your custom domain/ Login url then click on the top right corner setting icon/three vertical dots to create a new connection as shown below-
Then enter your login url in the Host and give it a label as shown below
Click on done and you are good to go.
Sample Output
Checkout complete video below