LWC Stack is Lightning Web Component tutorial series by Salesforce MVP Kapil Batra. In this series you will find LWC tutorials from beginner to intermediate level.
So if you are working on it or planning to learn LWC then this video series is for you. Let's learn and grow together !
Please check complete code below from LWC Stack EP-31
The lightning/empApi
module provides access to methods for subscribing to a streaming channel and listening to event messages. All streaming channels are supported, including channels for platform events, PushTopic events, generic events, and Change Data Capture events. This component requires API version 44.0 or later.
The lightning/empApi
module uses a shared CometD connection, enabling you to run multiple streaming apps in a single browser session. The connection is not shared among multiple user sessions.
In a component's Javascript file, import methods from the lightning/empApi
module using this syntax.
import { subscribe, unsubscribe, onError, setDebugFlag, isEmpEnabled } from 'lightning/empApi';
The available methods are described below.
This example subscribes to a streaming channel when you click the Subscribe button. It logs received event messages to the JavaScript console in your browser. The Unsubscribe button lets you stop the subscription and stop receiving event messages. This example uses the default streaming channel of /event/Test__e
and assumes that the Test__e
platform event is defined. Replace the default value with the desired channel name. In my case the event name is CustomEvent__e.
Create a platform event and add some custom fields
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Apex in Anonymous Window in developer console
1 2 | CustomEvent__e event = new CustomEvent__e(message__c = 'You are Awesome...'); Database.SaveResult result = EventBus.publish(event); |