What Is a Trailblazer ? How to track your Trailblazer Journey ?


In salesforce ohana you must have heard the word Trailblazer. If you are following salesforce  so you must have seen people over the internet and social media wearing a very cool black hoodie written Trailblazer on the Front. So the first question here is what is a Trailblazer ?

What is a Trailblazer?

/treyl-bley-zer/ noun

(1) a pioneer; an innovator; a lifelong learner; a mover and shaker.

(2) a leader who leaves a path for others to follow.

(3) most importantly, a person who builds a better world for others.

Trailblazers are the pioneers, innovators, and lifelong learners who will help to make the world a better place, by propelling the future of technology, and give back to their communities. These are the people that are innovating with Salesforce, using our platform to transform their company. They inspire others with their constant innovation, by transforming the customer experience, by growing their careers, and by making the world a better place. As our Chairman, co-CEO and co-Founder Marc Benioff states in his new book Trailblazer, changing the world is everyone's business. Trailblazers drive that change.


Being a Trailblazer is about pioneering a whole new way of doing business — one in which success is inseparable from building a better world.”


Source : Salesforce blog.

I hope above paragraph answers the question. So the next question is, 

Are you a Trailblazer ?  & How you can track your Trailblazer Journey ?

App to Track Your hashtagTrailblazerJourney | Are you a hashtagTrailblazer? You will find out if you are a hashtagSalesforce Trailblazer or not by watching this video. Check out this tutorial

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